Coup plot: The agenda is to add ACP Agordzor by hook or crook
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The Economic and Financial Division ‘2’ of the Accra High Accra Court had been told that the agenda of an alleged coup plot was to add Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Dr. Benjamin K. Agordzor by hook or crook, hell or high water to the case. 

The court presided over by three justices – Mrs Afia Serwah Asare-Botwi, Mrs Hafisata Amalebob and Mr Stephen Oppong – was told that the investigation team refused to investigate clear statements in ACP Agordzor’s caution statement, which he made about Arab Spring on several platforms.

The court was further informed that the investigation team had a predetermined agenda, hence couldn’t do a diligent job on the case.

Kormivi Dotsi, counsel for ACP Agordzor, informed the court today that “the agenda was that by hook or crook, hell or high water, A10 (ACP Agordzor) has to be added to this case.”

According to him, ACP Agordzor who is a lecturer at the Kofi Annan International Peace Keeping Centre (KAIPC) and the University of Education, Winneba (UEW) and by virtue of his background, he has discussed concerns of Arab Spring being present in Ghana on several platforms including the ones that had the ministers of Interior and defence as well as other security experts.

He said those concerns cannot, therefore, be taken out of content to mean that he was supporting the organisation of a massive demonstration, leading to the overthrow of the government.

The counsel while crossing examining the investigator of the coup plot, Detective Chief Inspector Michael Nkrumah of the National Intelligence Bureau (NIB), as 13 prosecution witness (PW13) stated that Dr Agordzor (A10) never discussed organisation of massive demonstration with Dr Frederick Mac Palm, first accused (A1) in the case.

But, the investigator denied the assertion, stating: “Page 80 of the chat. A10 indicates that Ghanaians do not even demonstrate against their leaders. They have all succumbed to religious beliefs… then page 10 mentioned drafting and planning… our reason for demonstration. The plan to overthrow government  can be found on the executive platform.”

The counsel then follow with the following questions:

Q. So you will agree with me that there is nothing in the WhatsApp chats between A10 and A1 about organising a massive demonstration leading to the overthrow of government?

A. There is a chat of organising a massive demonstration, leading to the overthrow of the government. That chat can be found on the TAG executive platform where the executives had planned and discussed to use the demonstration to overthrow the government. I am linking the executive platform chat with the chat between A10 and A1 because that was where the initial plan of overthrow of government took place.

 Q. I put it to you that throughout the conversation between A10 and A1 there absolutely no discussion about organising massive demonstration leading to the overthrow of government?

 A. That is true. But that chats cannot stand on their own without making reference to the chats on the TAG executive platform.

Q. Did you profile all the numbers on the TAG executive platform?

 A. Not all but we know some of them. 

Q. So you are aware that A10 has never been on the executive platform of TAG. Are you not?

A. I can’t remember now. 

Q. I put it to you that A10 was never added to the TAG executive platform as you would want this court to believe. 

A. I cannot recollect whether he was on it or not. 

Q. I further put it to you that because A10 was not on the executive platform he could not have known of the alleged discussions about the overthrow of government through massive demonstration?

A. That may be true and based on that A10 was not charged with conspiracy but abetment of crime of high treason.